Careers Pages
What is Labour Market Information (LMI)?
LMI provides knowledge and understanding of how the labour market functions and is crucial for making sense of changing economic circumstances. It can also help when thinking about what the future might hold, so can support career decision making.
Expand on the questions below for more information and watch the short video presentation which explores different forms of labour market data.
There are different types of labour market information (LMI). For example:
- ‘Hard LMI’ typically refers to data gathered directly from the labour market and / or employer surveys on a geographic and / or sector basis to provide a statistical picture of current and likely future employment and skills trends.
- ‘Soft LMI’, by contrast, refers to information collected from a range of other, less official sources, like meetings or conversations with employers, or the experiences of particular jobs provided by people working in those jobs.
Labour market intelligence represents a further, important distinction. It refers to the interpretation of hard labour market data for different purpose. This helps young people explore key aspects about a particular area, including:
- The sectors, industries and businesses that operate there;
- The jobs that exist;
- The number and type of job vacancies;
- The sectors and industries that are predicted to grow in the coming years;
- Travel to work patterns;
- The kinds of skills that are/will be needed by industries and businesses;
- Pay and progression patterns.
LMI is crucial to effective careers preparation because this information will help students reflect on their potential course choices. Students are encouraged to consider a wide range of opportunities, including:
- self-employment
- the benefits of particular careers (including financial)
- where London-wide and local career opportunities can be found
- What will the ‘hot jobs’ be when students leave formal education?
Without the LMI, informed career decisions that impact on adult life cannot be made properly.
- We have subscribed across St Edward’s Academy for Unifrog. Each student has access to this platform, which provides vast searchable information about the full range of career pathways and progression routes available. Using Unifrog, students can understand where their education and training choices could take them in the ‘Careers Library’ and ‘Know-How Library’.
- In addition, Unifrog has up-to-date national and local LMI on over 1,200 career profiles, and all apprenticeship standards.
- The LMI information in Unifrog allows pupils to see the most popular careers, education and access information, median salaries, and even what careers people in our area are more likely to do versus choices nationally for any area in the UK.
LMI for All
- ‘LMI for All’ is an online data portal funded by the Department for Education. It brings together existing national sources of high quality labour market information (LMI) that can inform people’s choices about their careers.
- ‘LMI for All’ includes information from key datasets from, for example, the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the Department for Education and HESA.
- Website: