Wellbeing & Support
Wellbeing is an important aspect of life at St Edward’s Academy. Through our school value of Humanity, we keep it high on the agenda for both students and staff, explicitly teaching strategies for mindfulness, sign posting services and encouraging the sharing of experiences so we learn how to support ourselves and others.
All students at St Edward’s have a daily form time, with a weekly focus on wellbeing. In KS3 and KS5 students have a weekly PSHE lesson and at KS4 drop-down days are emended and planned to build resilience and character. More details can be found on the PSHE curriculum page.
At St Edward’s Academy, we wish to ensure that all our students and families are able to access support services if necessary. Further information about the support available within school and from external agencies please refer to the documents in the attachments section and the support resources in the section below.
Please contact the school’s safeguarding team in confidence at safeguarding@steds.org.uk should you wish to discuss any concerns further.
School Based Services
If we are aware a student is a young carer, with permission we can refer to Young Carers who offer support and activities, a mentor and sessions for the young person.
The school have two allocated Starworkers who work for CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service). They offer confidential 20 minute virtual sessions once a month for students who are presenting as anxious/stressed or in need of speaking to an independent person.
They then send resources through for the students to access including Exam stress and relaxation techniques and offer recommendations on support groups the school can refer to such as Go Girls/Goodfellas/LGBT.
The school offers sanitary products for families that find it financially difficult to purchase these. Students can approach staff in school or go to the ‘Red Box’ points to collect any items they need.
The school can make referrals to HBBS (Havering and Brentwood Bereavement Service) for students that have had a bereavement and are in need of extra support. They offer 8 sessions with a trained Bereavement Counsellor.
Our nurse is available for Heath care plans and one to one sessions in school.
External Support
Family Lives Support Group: Help and support to families that are struggling.
Website: www.familylives.org.uk
Tel: 0808 800 2222
Smile Charity: Offers utility bills support/food vouchers and clothing to families in need.
Website: www.smilelondonessex.com
Tel: 07415 141437
Zarach: Offers new beds/bed linen/night clothes to families that are in need.
Website: https://zarach.org/
Email: info@zarach.org
Riverside Church: Offer food parcels for families in need.
Website: www.londonriversidechurch.com
Tel: 0208 593 2241
Action for Children: Support and help for vulnerable children and their families.
Websites: Actionforchildren.org.uk, Advice.actionforchildren.org.uk
Homestart: Helps families with mental health, bereavement and isolation.
Email: info@home-start.org.uk
Tel: 01164 645490
Young Minds Support:Mental health support for children and young people.
Free and Confidential Helpline: 0800 802 5544
Relate: Support for families
Website: www.relate.org.uk
Tel: 02392 827026
KOOTH: Free Online Counselling up to 10pm
Website: www.kooth.com
Childline: Support for children/young people.
Website: www.childline.org.uk
Tel: 0800 1111
NSPCC: Support for children.
Website: www.nspcc.org.uk
Email: help@nspcc.org.uk
Tel: 0800 800 5000
Should families need practical support with food/shopping during this time, there are two organisations in the local area who will be able to help:
The Harold Hill Foodbank provides three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. They are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK. Should you need to contact the Harold Hill Foodback, their details are as follows:
Phone – 01708 386323 or 07825 758028
Email – mark@haroldhill.foodbank.org.uk
Address – Unit 1 Guardian Business Centre
Faringdon Avenue
Harold Hill
The Romford Best Before Stall collects and sells surplus food to stop it going to the landfill. The stall is open every Wednesday at 6.30pm. The stall is in St Johns Hall, Patoria Road. Every Wednesday, details are posted on the ‘Romford Best Before’ Facebook page to indicate what will be on offer that day.
Associated Pages
5 Ways to Wellbeing
Exam Stress
Time Management Timetable
Grounding Techniques
Self Help Workbook Teens
Havering CAMHS - Useful Resources for Anxiety in Young People
Parents Guide to Self Help.
Breathing Exercises for Anxiety