St Edward’s Academy fully recognises our responsibilities towards child protection and safeguarding children. Our work is based on our school ethos and the belief that all students should be encouraged to live ‘Life in all its fullness’; we will achieve this through our HOPE values:
- Student voice shows students feel safe in the school environment;
- Assemblies provide a sense of community and group responsibilities to look after each other;
- Close collaboration with charities to ensure vulnerable families are provided with essentials e.g. food parcels, utility bills and technology;
- Early intervention takes places through the mentoring system whereby tutors, teachers, Heads of Learning and school staff are able to raise concerns about students;
- Regular communication with Parents/Carers explains which support services are available to them (e.g. Childline).
- Form times are planned at a whole school level to ensure students have access to the most recent and relevant information for their age;
- PSHE lessons are embedded into the curriculum of the school;
- Students are explicitly taught how to keep themselves and others safe;
- Well-being parcels were provided for all staff and students during the pandemic.
- Student voice shows student know who to talk to in the safeguarding team should they feel they need to;
- Form time curriculums are planned to include weekly mental well-being strategies and discussions to help students with their mindfulness;
- Ongoing staff training and updates on new safeguarding procedures ensure that all adults are aware of expectations;
- Regular door-step visits are made to vulnerable families and those at risk;
- We work closely with CAMHs and our STAR workers to intercept and support the most vulnerable students.
- Students are confident in approaching members of staff to discuss concerns about themselves or peers;
- External agencies are utilised for assemblies (e.g. School Nurse, Safer Schools Officer, St John Ambulance, amongst others);
- Clear safeguarding procedures are embedded using school systems (e.g. CPOMs);
- Safeguarding policies are regularly reviewed, updated and disseminated to all staff to ensure everyone is up-to-date with the changes;
- Well-being is embedded into the student and staff planners highlighting external agencies and strategies.
We take an active role in protecting our students from harm:
- We aim to ensure that students can be supported through a school-wide ethos that promotes a positive, supportive and secure environment and values students’ independence, feelings and individuality. Key to this are our HOPE values that are embedded in all policy and practice.
- We recognise that we may be the only stable, secure and predictable element in the lives of children at risk, and so we will endeavour to maintain an environment where students can feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to.
- St Edward’s Academy is committed to the teaching and promotion of British Values. British Values are HOPE values. We recognise these universal values to include democracy, the rule of law, liberty, tolerance, and mutual respect for people of all faiths and no faith. These values also correspond with our school ethos, and our commitment to being a Church of England School for Christians, people of all faiths and those with no faith.
St Edward’s Academy Safeguarding Intent
- To ensure that we use Keeping Children Safe in Education and all other statutory guidance to protect our students so that they can thrive, including improving the educational and non-educational outcomes of our students.
- To ensure clarity of use of whole school systems and procedures to support and monitor students who have been placed on the Child Protection register or identified as causing concern.
- To ensure all staff and volunteers (including temporary and supply) understand their
responsibilities in relation to Child Protection so that we can provide a safe and secure
environment for all of our students, families and community.
- To support provision of a broad and balanced curriculum so that children can continue to learn and develop academically, socially, behaviourally and emotionally; in order that they become full, active and law-abiding members of our local communities and of British society.
St Edward’s Academy Safeguarding Implementation
Accordingly, St Edward’s Academy will:
- Ensure that a designated senior member of staff is responsible for Child Protection and that they receive appropriate training and support for the role. The Designated Safeguarding Lead at St Edward’s Academy is Munira Said;
- Ensure that named members of the Local Governing Body are responsible for safeguarding. The named members are Rebecca Snell and Laura Turnage;
- Ensure that Unity Schools Partnership and London Borough of Havering safeguarding policies inform practice at St Edward’s Academy;
- Ensure that all staff receive the required annual and regular training (including timely reminders and information on new initiatives, as directed by need), to support awareness of indicators of different forms of abuse and how to respond appropriately to students who make allegations of abuse;
- Refer cases of suspected abuse to social services and/or the police whilst offering support and advice to students and staff;
- Refer cases of suspected radicalisation and extremism to social services, the police, and the relevant lead officers of the Havering PREVENT team
- Keep secure, confidential and accurate records of students on the Child Protection register and of referrals made for those who require support and intervention from external agencies;
- Recognise and ensure that all matters relating to child protection remain confidential and appropriately recorded;
- Ensure that parents/carers have an understanding of the responsibility placed on the school for Child Protection;
- Develop effective partnerships with relevant agencies and co-operate as required with all enquiries regarding Child Protection, Radicalisation and Extremism;
- Appropriately investigate allegations made against any member of staff or volunteer;
- Ensure that staff are able to raise concerns about poor or unsafe practices in relation to Child Protection and that these are addressed effectively;
- Ensure safer recruitment practices are always followed to the letter;
- Include in the curriculum opportunities which will equip students with the skills they need to stay safe and adopt safe practices;
- Include in the curriculum opportunities which allow the students to celebrate diversity, democracy and liberty, whilst respecting the rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance.
St Edward’s Academy Safeguarding Impact
St Edward’s Academy regularly monitor and evaluate the impact of our safeguarding policies and procedures. All safeguarding actions are reviewed by external experts and the Unity Schools Partnership Safeguarding Lead.
The impact of safeguarding policy and procedure at St Edward’s Academy is measured extensively, including through the following methods:
1. The Designated Safeguarding Lead will work with the designated governor and Governing Body to ensure the school’s Child Protection policy and procedures are reviewed and updated annually, in line with Local safeguarding Children Board guidelines.
2. The Headteacher will report to the Governing Body at each Governing Body meeting on Safeguarding.
3. Trends in Child Protection referrals and concerns will be reported by the Designated Safeguarding Lead to the Headteacher on a regular basis. These will be analysed and reviewed thoroughly.
This is not an exhaustive list and all available methods to evaluate the impact of our work are employed.
Reporting Concerns
Schools and their staff form part of the wider safeguarding system for children. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in keeping them safe. To fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals must ensure their approach is child-centred. This means that they must always consider what is in the best interests of the child.
If you are worried about any child in our school and think that they may be the victim of neglect, abuse or cruelty, then please email or call 01708 730 462 to speak to those responsible for Safeguarding.
Designated Safeguarding Staff
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) & Designated Teacher for looked-after and previously looked after children
Further Information
Further information on Safeguarding can also be found in the policies section of our website.
Associated Pages
COVID-19 school arrangements for Safeguarding & Child Protection
How ESafe Works
Acceptable Use of IT Policy
Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2023 KCSiE
Safeguarding Policy 2023
Staff Code of Conduct September 2023-24
St Edward's Academy Behaviour Policy 2023-24
Child Protection and Safeguarding Procedures and Contacts September 2023-24