‘Life in all its Fullness’
About Us
St Edward’s Academy is a very strong learning community. We strive to provide the best possible education for all children in our care. Everything we do is founded on the Christian values of love and mutual respect. All that we do at St Edward’s is underpinned by our vision: that all members of our community should live ‘Life in all its fullness’.
Our vision for St Edward’s is one of HOPE – we strive to become the best that we can be through Humanity, Optimism, Perseverance and Excellence and develop so that we can live ‘Life in all its Fullness’. We make sure that we know every child and are there to support and guide them on the pathway from childhood to realisation as a young adult.
It is our primary aim that every member of our community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well within a climate of mutual trust and respect. St Edward’s Academy educates young people towards excellence in all dimensions of their lives, recognising the uniqueness of each and the equality of all. Our mission is to ensure that every student is enabled to be the very best that they can be. This is achieved within a climate of high expectation in every aspect of school life.
We have highly ambitious targets for our students. By working in partnership with them and their families, we strive to ensure that outcomes are the best they can be. Our Progress 8 score has been consistently amongst the highest in the local authority (London Borough of Havering).
We have rules and routines to make sure that the highest quality learning can take place in a well-ordered and welcoming environment. This means that everyone can feel happy and safe. We expect students to be aware of the impression they create on others so that we are proud of them and they are proud of themselves. Our students rise to this challenge and are great ambassadors of the school.
The curriculum at St Edward’s is a seven-year journey. Our students study a broad and balanced curriculum with the intention of preparing them for a world which we cannot yet imagine. There are no limits placed on their achievements. Our curriculum plan is based on an academically rigorous offer which is delivered by curriculum experts to meet the needs of our cohort. We teach to the top and go the extra mile to scaffold learning so that everyone achieves their best. We know that great teaching, every lesson, every day, transforms lives.
We strive to build the cultural capital of our students. To this end, we offer many opportunities to enhance the taught curriculum. These include through our extra-curricular and supra-curricular provision. Students benefit from trips and visits, debating, model UN and poetry club, amongst others. Our out-of-hours learning provision is well established. This provides extra learning opportunities in many areas including computing, drama, music, art and a wide variety of sporting activities. Our supra-curriculum programme extends and deepens knowledge of the curriculum. This includes through reading specified academic books or magazines, following media stories that concern developments in a subject studied, watching a film based on a novel, play or historical event that is being studied, or visiting a place that is connected with the curriculum.
At St Edward’s Academy, we believe that all students should develop a love of reading that goes beyond the confines of the power of reading to secure exam success. We know that, to achieve in compound assessments, GCSEs, A Levels and beyond, a pre-requisite is efficiency in reading. Our vision for reading at St Edward’s is not that we simply secure exam success (that is a given if our vision is realised). Instead, we want so much more for our learners. We encourage you to visit our Literature Lounge on the school website to find out more.
In the last few years, we have overseen a number of improvements to our building. We are working with a team of architects on further developments that will take place over this academic year. Our most recent additions include a dedicated school chapel and multi-faith prayer space. Both were visioned and designed by students in the Sixth Form.
The school has a dedicated dining room where students enjoy our menu and have the opportunity to explore the benefits of healthy eating. They enjoy sitting down together to eat as a community. The dining room also serves as a second space to hold assemblies for full Key Stages and run important events. Our opening ceremony for the dining room included the cutting of an official ribbon by two players from the first team at West Ham United Football Club.
Our students have a pride in being part of St Edward’s. During a review conducted by the Unity Schools Partnership, students in all Year groups reported:
- They are proud of the school and they would recommend St Edward’s to others;
- The quality of teaching is good in consistency and approach;
- Behaviour is good and remains so in lessons and around the school;
- There is someone in school that they could speak to if needed;
- The school is a safe place to be;
- St Edward’s is a happy place to be.
“The school underwent a two-day Section 5 Ofsted Inspection in May 2022. The school was judged to be ‘Good with Outstanding Features.’ The full report can be found here: Ofsted Inspection Reports