Key Stage 4 Options
What is special about our KS4 curriculum?
The principles underpinning our Key Stage 4 curriculum are:
- A broad and balanced curriculum in Key Stage 4, defined by your entitlement to a full range of courses and nationally recognised qualifications.
- A recognition of the importance of core subjects. Success in the core subjects will provide you with a solid foundation for progression onto higher level courses and future careers.
- Flexibility and choice. During Key Stage 4, you are working between the compulsory curriculum of Key Stage 3 and the greater choice and flexibility of study post-16. You deserve a curriculum that is motivating, challenging and prepares you effectively for employment, further learning and adult life.
- Coherence and progression. As you begin to develop your own mix of subjects, you should be able to access coherent learning programmes that enable you to progress to further learning at age 16 and beyond.
- High quality guidance and support is essential to ensure your interests, needs and aspirations are met.
- Maximising chances of success. We will make use of prior attainment data and national progress data to ensure you can reach your full potential. We can provide a clear indication of your likely progress on particular courses and make firm recommendations to you and your parents/carers.
Options Process
The attached Options Guide provides a summary of the option pathway available and details of the courses that you can follow in Key Stage 4. It provides useful information describing the content, forms of assessment and type of learning involved in each subject. It is also an important point of reference of the key dates for our year 9 students and their parents and carers.
Start by asking yourself these questions:
- Which subjects am I most interested in?
- Which subjects am I best at?
- Are there any new subjects I’d like to take up?
Have a chat with one of our Careers Personal Advisers. They can help you make the right Year 10/11 subject choices. They will be able to give you independent and impartial careers advice and guidance. They can see students individually and to help/support you to plan your future. You can arrange to see our advisers for a full Careers Guidance interview – the appointment can be arranged through Mr Lynch. Additionally, your child can access our careers platform, ‘Unifrog’.
Well … you might! A lot of people your age do. You can’t be sure how you will change as a person over the next few years. You may find new things, which interest you or develop new skills. We can’t be sure how technology and the working world will change and exactly what job opportunities there will be when you are older and are deciding on a career. That’s why it is a good idea not to specialise too early. A balanced choice of subjects is the best bet as it is likely to leave doors to lots of different careers open.
No. It’s a good idea to start thinking about what you may be interested in now but you don’t have to make any definite plans. Go for subjects you are interested in and are good at. Try to keep your future choices open by choosing a range of subjects. Avoid too many similar subjects.
Even if you think you know what you want to study at university, remember that colleges and universities expect you to have a good general education at Key Stage 4. If you follow your interests and abilities but keep a balance, you should be okay.
You will be encouraged to do so if your prior attainment suggests an aptitude for languages. We will not ask you to take a language if you are not going to be successful.