St Edward's Church of England Academy

Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Thought

Exam Type:Linear 2 year A-Level
Exam Board:OCR

About the Course

Welcome to the world of A-Level Religious Studies. This course gives you an opportunity to study some of the fundamental questions which people have always asked about life. Why are we here? How should we behave? What happens to us when we die?

It is expected that students will have achieved at least a Grade 6 in GCSE English and if studied a Grade 6 in Religious Studies. No prior knowledge of Religious Studies is required although a student may find this helpful.

You will study:

  • Ancient Philosophers, the nature of mind, body and soul; arguments about the existence of God, the impact of religious experience, the problem of evil, the nature of God and religious language.
  • Ethical theories and language and the application of these to contemporary issues; the nature of conscience and ethical thought on religion
  • Development in Christian thought through history and on Contemporary issues; other religions, gender, liberation movements, the nature of God and humans, of the after-life and sources of revelation.

By examination only

Each unit has equal weighting.


  • Unit 1 – Philosophy of Religion
  • Unit 2 – Religion and Ethics
  • Unit 3 – Development in Religious Thought: Christianity.

With a qualification in Religious Studies, you can go on to higher education, at College or University or seek employment straight away.

The skills developed could be particularly useful for careers in law, education, social work, politics, medicine, business administration and the media.

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