Government and Politics combines well with a range of other subjects to lead to university courses in such areas as business, economics, law, media, philosophy and, of course, politics.
Government & Politics
Government & Politics
Exam Type: | Linear 2 year A-Level |
Exam Board: | Edexcel |
About the Course
The Government & Politics curriculum helps students develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding of contemporary political structures, both in the UK and USA. We focus on how these structures have developed and changed as a result of political ideologies. The curriculum develops students’ understanding of how individuals and interest groups attempt to influence the political process and government policy.
The aim is that students leave St Edward’s Academy well prepared for higher education and employment by developing academic and work skills.
It is expected that students will have achieved at least a Grade 6 in GCSE English Language to cope with the written aspects of the course. You do not need to have studied Government and Politics or Citizenship at GCSE in order to take an A-Level course in the subject. It is more important that you should have a lively and enquiring mind, an interest in politics and current affairs and a desire to explore new ideas.
You will study:
- how to develop a critical awareness of the nature of politics and the relationship between political ideas, institutions and processes
- what the structures of authority and power are within the political system of the United Kingdom and the USA, and how these may differ from those of other political systems
- what the rights and responsibilities of individuals are
- how to develop personal effectiveness through a critical awareness of political events and issues, an understanding of the main political viewpoints and the skills required to argue a case with relevance and coherence
- a clear understanding of the theories, motives and values that underpin governmental decision making and the role of institutions in resolving conflicts and allocating scarce resources.
The units covered will be:
Paper 1 – UK Politics
- Political Participation
- Democracy, Political Parties, Electoral System & Voting Behaviour
- Ideologies – Liberalism, Socialism and Conservatism
Paper 2 – UK Government
- UK Government – Parliament, PM and the Constitution
- Ideologies – Feminism
Paper 3 – Government & Politics of the USA
- US Constitution and Federalism
- Congress
- President
- Supreme Court
- Democracy and Partipation
- Comparative Approaches
By Examination only
Each of the three Units is a 2 hour written exam
84 marks
33.3% of A Level