What Will I Learn?
Key Stage 3
Year Seven
Understanding the basics of French
Embedding phonics to enable sound-spelling links & improve pronunciation. Using avoir appropriately.
Describing what you like and giving reasons why.
Talking about animals and pets.
Expressing wishes.
Cultural Knowledge: Understanding Christmas & New Year celebrations in France.
My Life at School
Making and responding to New Year’s Resolutions.
Describing yourself and others in your class/family.
Talking about your school life and the subjects you’re studying.
Using key language to do with food and drink (discussing break + lunch at school).
My Hobbies & Socialising
Discussing your hobbies and interests.
Linking weather and activities to weekend plans.
Making arrangements with other people.
Asking and answering questions to a friend and understanding when to be polite (meeting formal and informal verb formations).
Year Eight
Holidays at Home & Abroad:
Embed “Tense-Hopping” among the 3 timeframes, with aller / visiter / voyager.
Using countries + masc/fem/plural
Discuss a range of holiday activities & opinions on holiday preferences and plans and ask and answer questions.
Understand the francophone world – French beyond France & where French people spend their holidays.
Discuss plans for holidays in the future.
Use clothes vocabulary to explain what you take abroad.
Interests Outside of School:
Use key verb forms in a range of tenses to say what I use technology for.
Discussing TV & cinema and giving preferences on both. Recognise genres of Music and give opinions on preferences.
Discuss reading habits and compare those to young people in the UK/France. Improve knowledge of French Cinema- learn about “Le festival de Cannes/ Les Césars. Film Study: ‘Les Vacances de Petit Nicolas’.
Further practise the passé compose to discuss my recent birthday (plans / presents received / opinions).
My Local Area:
Talking about where I live and describing my local area using key verbs in the 3rd person.
Further develop the conditional tense to say what I’d change about my local area.
Discuss my house and say what I like/don’t like about it.
Learn about houses in France and make comparisons with my own.
Use key verbs in two timeframes to discuss how I help the environment.
Find my way around a large city and be able to ask for help/directions.
Year Nine
Myself and Others:
Discuss extended family members. Use key verbs to do with personality and looks. Relationships with others- getting along/arguing.
Describing what I do in the evenings / weekends at home. How I help my parents – chores.
Learning about how people my age in a French-speaking country spend their time outside of school. Learning about other key festivals in France and the francophone world.
Telling the time. My daily routine – a school day vs weekend.
The World of Work:
Understanding why to studying languages is important and you should continue at Key Stage 4.
Using opinions to discuss the world of work.
Describing jobs people do and giving opinions. Using the future tense to say what you want to do/be when you’re older and give complex reasons why.
Use the future tense to say how I will stay fit/active when I am older. Giving opinions on healthy lifestyles and choices. Discussing food and mealtimes from around the world.
Visiting France:
Transactional language focus:
Making & participating in conversations on key topics
- using polite/impolite forms
- buying tickets (train/cinema/concert)
- understanding advertisements in magazines/newspapers/on radio
- ordering food, saying if there’s a problem
- finding the way
- booking accommodation (hotels, gites)
- hiring
- at the doctor/pharmacy
- buying clothes
- au marché
Books for Primary Schools Project.
Key Stage 4
Year Ten
Core GCSE Skills
Theme 1: Identity & Culture Me, my family & friends:
- Relationships with family & friends
- Marriage & partnership
Free time activities:
- Music
- Cinema & TV
- Food & eating out
- Sport
Skills Focus:
- Speaking Focus: Phonics revision and general conversation
Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest:
Travel & Tourism:
- Holiday Destinations
- Travel & Accommodation
- Future & Ideal Holiday Plans
Skills Focus:
- Writing
Home, town, neighbourhood & region:
- Describing where you live
- Local area
Skills Focus:
- Speaking: General conversation and photo card
- Reading: Improving technique in extracting information from texts
- Reading (Higher): Translation into English
Theme 3: Current & Future Study and Employment:
My Studies:
- School subjects and preferences
Life at School / College:
- Rules & Opinions
- Uniform
- Differences between UK & French schools
Skills Focus:
- Speaking: Role-play & Photo card
- Writing (Foundation): Sentence translation & 90 word essay
- Writing (Higher): 90 word essay
Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest:
Social Issues
- Charity / Voluntary work
Theme 1: Identity & Culture:
Customs & festivals in French-speaking countries and communities:
- La francophonie
Skills Focus:
- Listening
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing
Year Eleven
Theme 3: Current and future study and employment: Education post-16:
- Plans for after Year 11
- Future Study
Jobs, career choices and ambitions:
- Ideal jobs
- Future career plans
- Jobs other people do
Skills Focus
- Listening (F&H): Improving confidence,
- Sound-Spelling Links
- Reading (F&H): Exam technique
- Exam techniques for Writing
Revision of all Three Themes
- Examination skills
- Speaking exam preparation & practice
Skills Focus
- Writing (Foundation): 40 word essay
- Writing (Higher): 90 &150 word essays
- Listening (F&H): Answering in French
- Reading (F&H): Answering in French
- Speaking (F&H): Role Play, Photo Card, General Conversation
Revision of all Three Themes (Summer 1)
- Targetted examination skills practice
- Final GCSE Speaking Assessment
- Final GCSE Examinations (Listening, Reading & Writing)
(Summer 2)
Summer Exams / Revision

Please read about our Curriculum Intent and the KS3 and KS4 Curriculum Journey which are both available in the attachments section on this page. If you require any further information please email